Keep rodents away with organic rodent repellent

Can you keep rodents away without using traps or poisons?  Yes.  And it’s a good idea when you’re trying to keep rodents away from areas where children or pets might be affected.  Here is what happened when a radio host put Nature’s Defense Organic Mouse & Rat Repellent granules to the test with his listeners.

In West Middlesex, Pennsylvania – around 60 miles northwest of Pittsburgh along the Shenango River – there is a local radio show called “Ask Trapper John”.  “Trapper” John Colombo is an avid outdoorsman who has spent the past 50+ years learning about and practicing various ways to deal with varmints and household pests.  On his show he has a very interesting method of field study.

Whenever a new and promising product comes along, Trapper John gives his listeners a chance to determine the efficacy of the product by sending them samples for testing, without any labels or other recognizable branding attached.  He then gives them six weeks to put the product to real-life use.  When the reviews come back, at least 8 out of 10 have to be positive for Trapper John to endorse the product.

Nature’s Defense Organic Mouse & Rat Repellent is an all-natural, non-toxic solution for keeping rodents away, and it can be found and purchased at  The granules are made with certified organic active ingredients and can be sprinkled near cracks or openings along the foundation of your house, garage, shed or other buildings to keep rodents away.  It will not harm plants or grass and is even safe enough to use around children and pets.

When Mark Weiser developed Nature’s Defense Organic Mouse & Rat Repellent, Trapper John put it to the test with his listeners.  He sent 10 bottles of the rodent repellent granules to each ‘tester’, and many of them used it for agricultural applications: farmhouses, chicken coups, grain storage, etc.  When the reviews came back, every single one was positive, giving Trapper John more than enough confidence for his personal endorsement of Nature’s Defense Organic Mouse & Rat Repellent.

“I had a number of my listeners with rodent problems test your product and the results were well above the standards I’ve set for products.  You probably wonder what that means, let me explain. When I test any product it must work better than 80% of the time.  In other words, if 10 people test the product, 8 or more must say it worked before I will recommend it to my listeners…I must say I’m happy to recommend Weiser’s Nature’s Defense to anybody with a rodent problem.”

–Trapper John Colombo

A firm believer in real-life product testing, Mark Weiser was thrilled to learn that Trapper John and his listeners had so much success with the product. Learn more about Nature’s Defense rodent repellent and other pest and bird control products at

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  1. bird-x
    bird-x says:

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