Bird-X Welcomes Newest Team Member to the Flock
Bird-X, Inc. is pleased to announce Annie Gavin as the company’s new Marketing Manager. Annie graduated Magna Cum Laude from Governors State University with a B.A. in Communications, having spent her studies concentrating on marketing and public relations. After receiving her degree in 2015, Annie landed her first full-time position in her career field as a Content Production & Marketing Coordinator at a local publishing company specializing in travel trade publications. For more than five years, she has managed major marketing initiatives, rebranding projects, content production and creative services. Now, she’s moving forward with her career to focus on marketing to the bird control space.
“I bring a lot of experience producing content and getting it seen by the right audience, and I’m excited to create new, compelling marketing collateral that redefines the way we think about humane bird control,” said Annie. “I’m delighted to continue to grow as a marketing communications professional at Bird-X. My coworkers have been exceptionally supportive during the onboarding process and I am confident that we will build a robust marketing program to put our brand in front of bird control professionals and installers.”
Annie is a self-proclaimed bird enthusiast with three small parrots and a deep knowledge of bird behavior and biology. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her small flock, playing guitar, and photography.
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