Kings of Leon concert halted by pigeon poop

Who expects to go to a concert and have it end three songs in due to…pigeons? That’s what happened at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in St. Louis this past weekend. The Kings of Leon spent Friday, July 23, dodging aerial attacks by pigeons.

An infestation of the birds in the rafters of the Verizon Amphitheatre bombarded the musicians as soon as they took the stage, according to Andy Mendelsohn of Vector Management.

“Jared (Followill) was hit several times during the first two songs,” Mendelsohn said of the band’s bassist.


The pigeons were a problem the entire night, even before the popular band took the stage. Band members reported seeing droppings on their instruments and carpet when they walked out. Soon after, the droppings began falling from the sky.

Even the opening bands, The Postelles and The Stills, dealt with the birds during their sets.

(The opening bands) came offstage complaining of getting riddled with large amounts of excrement, their publicist said…

…”We couldn’t believe what The Postelles and The Stills looked like after their sets,” Followill said.”


How to Prevent Pigeon Problems in the Future

This didn’t have to happen, and, honestly, this never should happen. There are too many maintenance-free and inexpensive ways to curtail this sort of bird problem. A simple, stop-the-problem-right-now solution is bird spikes. Pigeons love to roost on ledges, wires, panes — anything that’s available and easy. Spikes immediately take away that option.

Don’t like the way spikes look? Well, try a roost-inhibiting gel. Like spikes, this stops birds from roosting. But the gel makes the surface sticky and uncomfortable for the birds, and they’ll find another place to rest.

Another excellent, low-profile solution is shock track. Shock track works similarly to an electric fence that manages livestock. If a bird lands on the track, it is shocked with a harmless amount of electricity that is just enough to scare and deter the bird from landing there. They learn instinctively not to return to the treated area.

Ultrasonic Deterrents

Another option is sound devices. Two in particular—the Ultrason X and the Quad Blaster QB-4—emit ultrasonic sounds inaudible to humans. Ultrason X has four external speakers each with 100-foot cords perfect for indoor and outdoor music venues like the one pictured above. It covers 3,600 square feet and gets rid of all types of birds, especially pigeons.

The Quad Blaster QB-4 is also great for the outdoors. Its four internal speakers emit high-frequency sound waves and audio signals. The sounds confuse and frighten the birds, quickly scaring them away from the effective area up to 6,500 square feet. Either one of these sound devices, in combination with physical aversions, will greatly reduce the risk of pigeons affecting your business negatively.

Bad Publicity?

This story has been all over the news, and it’s been awful publicity for all involved. What if this had been your business? What would you say or do to make this go away? Could your business handle this kind of publicity?

Situations like this are 100% avoidable. Call us at 312-226-2473 if you have questions about bird damage or just want simple tips to get rid of them. And definitely check out our website for more info on effective bird control products.

Need help managing a pigeon problem? Contact our dedicated team.

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