Garden Pests? Organic Repellents Work

Do you have garden pests?  Organic repellents may seem like the ‘lite’ version of pest control methods.  However, it can actually be MORE effective in the long-term and it’s definitely a better choice in keeping your garden and environment safe and healthy.   Here’s why:

1.  Organic repellents KEEP PESTS AWAY.  Traps and chemicals kill pests that come onto your property.  They do nothing to keep them away long-term.  Use of these methods can result in a never-ending kill-cycle.  Organic repellent compounds and electronic devices use their instinctive fears against them to condition garden pests to stay away over time.

2.  No dead bodies.  No matter how much trouble your garden pests are causing, you probably don’t want to clean up the aftermath caused by traps and poisons.  Plus, poisoned animals tend to crawl into hard to find / hard to reach places to die, and then you’re left with noxious odors and unsanitary messes coming from who-knows-where.

3.  Safer for your family, children and pets.  Placing traps and poisons on your property brings all kinds of liability.  It can be harmful to children and pets that might play in the yard.  It can also be offensive to neighbors.

4.  What doesn’t kill them makes them stronger.  The thing about chemical pest control is even if it works at first, garden pests will often become resistant to the chemicals.  This requires higher and higher dosages to get results.  And even if the poisons do kill off the first round of pests, the decrease in competition for food sources in the area often attracts even more pests to your garden.

5.  Gardens and poisons??  Don’t treat what you eat.  You’re trying to grow tomato plants, sunflowers, peppers, and herbs and these pesky critters won’t even let a sprout leave the earth before they start nibbling.  But do you really want to use poison to keep those pests away?  After all, YOU are planning on eating those plants eventually!   Try solutions like netting, ultrasonic devices and organic granules to deter the garden pests.  That way your garden will flourish and your bounty will safely nourish.

So, if the fact that organic repellents are SAFE, HUMANE, NON-TOXIC, NON-HARMFUL and ECO-FRIENDLY isn’t enough to convince you to make the switch, perhaps these other reasons have done the trick.

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8 replies
  1. Pest Control Brandon MS
    Pest Control Brandon MS says:

    Although organic pest control have benefits, it also has downsides. 1. It is time consuming. It will be days or even months before you see the actual result. 2. It is labor intensive. 3. You also risk ecological epidemic, be it another pest or damage to the environment. 4. You have to do research about your organic solution, unlike chemical control which has been tested and approved by govt.

    All in all, organic pest control is a good solution. But also keep in mind there are other options which have been tried and tested.

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