Breaking Into New Industries—The Bird-X Approach

Written by Ashley Estes for Bird-X, Inc.

In golf, a ‘birdie’ is usually a good thing. After attending February’s Golf Industry Show in San Diego, Bird-X found out that birdies are causing quite the stir on golf courses across the country.

The reason is the number one pest bird culprit on golf courses—the Canada goose. Canada geese congregate around ponds and lakes, and have been known to produce around a pound each of droppings per day, costing golf courses thousands of dollars in clean-up and maintenance. Many Golf Industry Show attendees shared concerns regarding the idea of pest bird prevention—and Bird-X had the perfect recommendation.

In January 2016, Bird-X debuted their new autonomous ProHawk™ UAV drone—the first of its class made specifically for bird control. Bird-X affirms that the drone is simple to use, operate, and implement in many different environments.

But the golf industry isn’t the only one seeing issues caused by pest birds. Dennis Tilles, Bird-X President, stated that Bird-X’s dynamic and diverse line of bird control products are used all over the world in companies within the manufacturing, energy, and transportation industries, and even in the retail, food, and service arenas.

prohawk drone“The ProHawk™ UAV drone allows us to address bird control needs across a variety of industries by providing cost-effective solutions to everyday problems,” Tilles said. “Pest bird management is quickly arriving at the forefront of facility and agricultural planning.”

So, what’s on the horizon for Bird-X? Bird-X is expanding into the agriculture and viticulture industries.  Tilles mentioned that Bird-X’s newest drone helps protect crops from deprivation by conditioning pest birds to stay away. The combination of a terrifying physical appearance and lifelike predator and bird distress calls are the key to its efficacy.

According to Tilles, Bird-X continues to explore other markets where bird control products would be valuable to clients. “With the ProHawk™ UAV drone, it became even more apparent that effective pest bird control should be a key operational management solution for all market segments,” said Tilles.

Do you think your business would benefit from bird control? Let us know in the comments and someone from our knowledgeable and friendly customer service team will reach out to you! Bird-X is dedicated to working with clients to find the best and most cost-effective solutions to combat your pest bird problems.

Questions? Contact us.

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