Are bird droppings hazardous? Here’s the science behind bird poop.
Bird poop can damage property, make people sick, and just look gross if not cleaned up properly.

Does Ultrasonic Bird Control Really Work? Here’s What the Science Says.
Does ultrasonic bird control work? A scientific study conducted by Dr. Whitford showed the dramatic reaction geese have to ultrasonic sound.

Birds In The News
A few of the more high-profile news stories in the past few years have been bird related: food-borne illness, a deadly bridge collapse, and the memorable ‘Miracle on the Hudson’, to name a few. Avoid these situations with bird control from Bird-X.

Pigeon droppings cost historic church $48,000
A church in Maine had to pay tens of thousands of dollars to replace their steeple due to a corrosive mix of water and pigeon droppings.

Social starlings cause big problems
Starlings are problematic in urban areas because they swarm in packs of up to a thousand birds that can take over large areas.