Bird-X Introduces the Transonic Mole
Bird-X's new product, the Transonic Mole, gets rid of moles, gophers, and other burrowing animals with a multi-sensory attack.

Bad economy means no pest control in Wales county
According to This is South Wales, a county in South Wales has taken up a questionable practice to saving money: eliminating pest control.

Propane Cannons at Blueberry Farm Causing Problems
A resident of Surrey, British Columbia recently complained about the bird control methods practiced at a nearby blueberry farm.

Oregon park flooded with geese droppings
According to the parks maintenance supervisor, the geese are producing "nearly five gallons of excrement a day, which mostly ends up on the pavement."

Wrigley Field Strikes Out the Birds
As Wrigley Field prepared for the 2003 season, it also battled an unwelcome new pre-season rival: pigeons in its renowned upper deck.