Does ultrasonic bird control work? A scientific study conducted by Dr. Whitford showed the dramatic reaction geese have to ultrasonic sound. 11:18:592022-04-18 10:27:23Does Ultrasonic Bird Control Really Work? Here’s What the Science Says.
Five tips to help keep your facility bird-free, including landscaping techniques, proper maintenance, and multi-sensory repellents. 20:05:052022-04-18 10:27:29Facility Bird Control: 5 Key Steps to a Bird-Free Building
A few of the more high-profile news stories in the past few years have been bird related: food-borne illness, a deadly bridge collapse, and the memorable ‘Miracle on the Hudson’, to name a few. Avoid these situations with bird control from Bird-X. 15:41:352021-08-23 15:51:12Birds In The News
A church in Maine had to pay tens of thousands of dollars to replace their steeple due to a corrosive mix of water and pigeon droppings. 14:15:072022-04-18 10:27:37Pigeon droppings cost historic church $48,000Image courtesy of user ceedub13 on 17:27:572022-04-18 10:27:43Kings of Leon concert halted by pigeon poop
Starlings are problematic in urban areas because they swarm in packs of up to a thousand birds that can take over large areas. 17:10:112022-04-18 10:27:47Social starlings cause big problems
According to This is South Wales, a county in South Wales has taken up a questionable practice to saving money: eliminating pest control. 16:35:482022-04-05 15:07:13Bad economy means no pest control in Wales county
According to the parks maintenance supervisor, the geese are producing "nearly five gallons of excrement a day, which mostly ends up on the pavement." 13:45:332022-04-18 10:28:07Oregon park flooded with geese droppings
Does Ultrasonic Bird Control Really Work? Here’s What the Science Says.
Facility Bird Control: 5 Key Steps to a Bird-Free Building
Birds In The News
Pigeon droppings cost historic church $48,000
Kings of Leon concert halted by pigeon poop
Social starlings cause big problems
Bird-X Introduces the Transonic Mole
Bad economy means no pest control in Wales county
Propane Cannons at Blueberry Farm Causing Problems
Oregon park flooded with geese droppings