More than 60 transmissible diseases (some of which are fatal) are associated with geese, pigeons, starlings and house sparrows. 13:27:542022-04-18 10:28:14Effective Bird Control and Why It Is Important
Maintaining a building’s facilities is a challenge for most facility managers. Maintaining food processing facilities that must pass regular health inspections is even more challenging. Birds roosting and/or nesting at or near the facility can make it a losing battle. 06:00:002022-04-18 10:28:26Keep Your Food Processing Plant Bird and Health Code Violation Free 13:54:232022-04-18 10:29:28Keeping Raccoons Away From Your Yard
As Wrigley Field prepared for the 2003 season, it also battled an unwelcome new pre-season rival: pigeons in its renowned upper deck. 14:45:012022-04-18 10:28:35Wrigley Field Strikes Out the Birds
How do you keep dogs out of your yard? How do you stop your neighbor's dog from pooping on your yard? 14:28:342022-04-18 10:28:49How to keep your neighbor’s dog from pooping in your yard
Why is poisoning a bad way of getting rid of pigeons? 14:24:362022-04-05 15:19:51Poisoning Pigeons in the Park 14:16:322022-04-18 10:29:01What is the best way to keep pigeons off my ledge?
Birds, Buildings, and Solutions
Effective Bird Control and Why It Is Important
Keep Your Food Processing Plant Bird and Health Code Violation Free
Keeping Raccoons Away From Your Yard
Wrigley Field Strikes Out the Birds
When squirrels attack…
How to keep your neighbor’s dog from pooping in your yard
Poisoning Pigeons in the Park
What is the best way to keep pigeons off my ledge?