Malaysian Manufacturer Battles Bird Droppings

Corrosive bird droppings from a huge pest bird infestation were compromising safety and sanitation at a major Malaysian chemical plant. Here is how Bird-X products solved their complex bird problem.

The Problem

A major chemical plant in Malaysia covers hundreds of acres – and the pest bird infestation is just as sizable, with a population of Common Mynas and Asian Glossy Starlings estimated to be in the millions.

The pest bird droppings were causing leakages in the pipe systems (gas and chemical) when left for long periods unnoticed. These bird messes required constant maintenance and cleaning. There was also a growing concern for sanitation, hygiene, and the potential for disease.

The Products and Solution

This major company got in touch with Malaysian Bird-X distributor Noryous Birds & Wildlife Services to solve their pest bird problem.  The solution combined Bird-X sonic repellers, a liquid taste aversion and a sticky surface repellent to create a synergistic effect for the highest probability of success in the initial target area:

  • Mega Blaster PRO (1 unit) – powerful sonic bird control system includes a 20-speaker tower to emit “warning” sounds to birds for up to 30 acres.
  • Super BirdXPeller PRO (1 unit) – combines bird distress calls and predator cries that frighten birds away for up to 6 acres.
  • Bird Stop Liquid (4 gallons) – taste aversion protects grass, trees, structures with a taste and smell that birds avoid.
  • 4 The Birds: Repellent Liquid (8 gallons) aka Bird Proof Liquid – transparent, sticky liquid can be sprayed or painted onto surfaces to deter birds from landing.

The Result

Pest bird presence has been reduced greatly in the target area. According to Noryous reprentative Haliza Yousoff, “Mega Blaster PRO and Super BirdXPeller [are] in action at [this company in] Malaysia and they are happy with the units. They are also planning to install more units in their plant!”

In order to cover the immense size of the grounds and to deal with the large bird population, they are working to install additional sonic repellers for a facility-wide solution.

For more information about bird control at facilities or in industrial applications, visit our Large Scale Pest Control page.

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